Processes of photosynthesis

1.  Photosynthesis is a process in which green plants use energy from the sun to transform water.

2.  Photosynthesis are important.

3.  Six molecules of water plus six mocules of carbon dioxide produce one mocule of sugar plus six mocules of oxygen.

4.  Most of time, the photosynthesis process use water and releases the oxygen that we absulutely must have to stay alive.

5.  The coversion of unsable into usable  chemical energy, is associated with the actions of the green pigment chlorophyll.

6.  Photosynthesis is the process by which plants,some bacteria,and some protistants use the energy from sunlight to produce suger which,cellular respiration converts into ATP,the fuel used by all living things.

The importants of photosynthesis

1.  Photosynthesis gives us oxygen.

2.  Photosynthesis helps animals and plants to survive.

3.  The plants is known for the living organisms to produce their own food during photosynthesis.This is very important
because other animals who do not produce their own food.

4.  Photsynthesis gives the plant food.

5.  Photosynthesis help the plant to make their own food.

6.  Photosynthesis help the earth to survive so there are humans living. 

How will  it affect the plant and animals if there is no photosynthesis

1.  They might die if there is no sunlight,oxygen and water.

2.  The plant need photosynthesis to make food. Animals eat the plants and humans eat the animals so if there are no photosynthesis there will be no food for the humans, animals and plants.

3.  The animals will not have anything to eat.

4.  The humans will die because they eat aminals for food and animals eat plants.

5.  There will be no air and the animals will die.

6.  All living things will not be able to survive for a long time.

